Praying Wheel, for the Benefit of all ! 

   The Protection Parasol

The precious parasol symbolizes the wholesome activity of preserving beings from illness, harmful forces, obstacles and so forth in this life. 

The 8 Auspicious Signs   

    The Golden Fish

The fish represent the emancipation of one's consciousness from all suffering and thereby leading to eventual spiritual liberation.

The Great Treasure Vase

The treasure vase symbolizes a long life, wealth and prosperity 

The White Lotus

The lotus symbolizes purity of the body, speech and mind and the blossoming of wholesome deeds in blissful liberation 

The Right-Turning Conch

The conch symbolizes the spread of the teachings of the Dharma and an awakening from the slumber of ignorance. 

The Endless Knot

An auspicious geometric diagram, it symbolizes the unity of wisdom, great compassion and the illusory character of time. 

The Banner of Victory

The banner stands for the complete victory of the Buddhist doctrine over death, ignorance and all the negativities of this world. 

The Wheel of Dharma

Representing the Dharma (divine phenomena) and Shakyamuni himself (Buddha), the wheel symbolizes the turning of the wheel of Buddha's doctrine both in teachings and realizations enabling us to experience the joy of wholesome deeds and liberation. 

 8 Auspicious Signs Combined 

 All Hail! This is the Knowing of the Mind, the Seeing of Reality, Self-Liberation.

For the sake of future generations who shall be born during the Age of Darkness,these essential aphorisms, necessarily brief and concise, herein set forth, were written down in accordance with Tantric teachings. Although taught during the present Epoch, the text of them was hidden away amidst a cache of precious things. May this be read by those blessed devotees of the future.

[Vast, vast, vast, is Divine Wisdom]

Guru Rinpoche
(Precious Teacher)

Padma Sambhava & Mandarava 

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