The 6 Perfections

1. Generosity

2. Ethics (discipline)

3. Patience

4. Diligence (joyus effort)

5. Concentration

6. Wisdom : The understanding of the law of cause and effect. The Heart Sutra. Phenomena occurs by causes and conditions set prior in the past.  Therefore all situation is empty so it can manifest the effects of a certain cause. So the situations o phenomena are empty in order to represent the law of karma, that is the beauty of change, equanimity is the result.

 The 8 Verses that Transform the Mind (Lojong)

This verses help to cure the confusion in the mind, which is the reason why we are living limited and suffering lives.

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8 Worldly Concerns.doc 8 Worldly Concerns.doc
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The Blessed Mother (Heart Sutra).doc The Blessed Mother (Heart Sutra).doc
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The 10 Wholesome Activities

 1. Composing

 2. Offering

 3. Generosity

 4. Attentiveness

 5. Recitation

 6. Memorization

 7. Teaching

 8. Praying

 9. Contemplation
10. Meditation

The 3 Poisons of the Mind

It is said that the confusion in the Mind is due to 3 main actions:

Atachment   -   Aversion   -   Ignorance

Ignorance is the Basis of all mistake and suffering, ignorance means not paying attention, or not been conscious or aware.

Due to ignorance we may be attached and suffer or make others suffer.

Due to ignorance we may avert something and suffer or make others suffer.

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